Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Tiny Choice

I heard her say,
 that it's the little things,
            the tiniest little choice. 
So here I will commit myself,
            in a silence, 
and speak with a
quiet inside voice.
I tell my head, heart & soul….
I’m going to give you a little something,
            that will make all the difference here.
It's a language that's gentler, 
and kinder to the self.   
where you let your soul be bare, 
vulnerable & free.
And, I want to thank you dear friend,
            for sharing this piece of thee.
By kindly letting me know, 
            I can be whomever I need to be.
As an artist, we always hear the music.
It's in the world that surrounds us,
the places where we wonder,
or even work & play with intent.
It's in our thoughts; good & bad,
that guides the art from the artist.
It's the sound of creativity, 
that tumbles from our spirituality.
Although those vibrations,
those sometimes loud &
voluminous thoughts,
do nothing more than drown out 
those littlest of voices.
Those little quips of direction.
The artistic chaos & clashes
with experiences & memories,
easily pushes the little energies back.
The inside look out & grasp for its life,
and the insides get all mixed up,
things begin to not feel right.
It is in those moments,
I must set my defenses aside. 
I must choose to live not deny,
        and make a committed effort, 
to those little choices I have,
To make choices in silence,
to make a clear intent, 
that the words, the art, the honesty of my will,
        and the absence of 
            The words that make me feel better,
will be the new resting, silent guide,
the direction & the course.
It's in the littlest, tiniest choice,
to silence the mind,
and embrace my simple
That I AM good enough.
I AM exactly as I was meant to be.
That I AM me,
and there is no other me, than me.
It is in that moment, 
as words soften & fade.
It is in that moment, 
that the music becomes God,
and I thank all of me.
And with the void of life noise & 
human impulsivity,
I am a gentle & beautiful soul,
I am my little choice.
I am the simplest of this life,
living & breathing it forth.
God's creature,
a footprint on this earth,
an energy,