When I was younger, small talk was substance & an excuse
for not knowing what was going on or having to attach myself to ANY
responsibility for being in the know. Consequences were easily avoided by
simply talking about nothing. Small talk is a vital element as beings, but it
has no ability to awaken the soul. Or make the heart race & the mind reel.
It doesn’t send waves of energy through your body when you’ve connected with
another. When the conversation rambles & meanders & circles back &
diverts again about interesting things that may or may not be related. The
exploration of free flow of thoughts, emotions & ponderings.
When I read this post, I was excited by what it states. And
I was left thinking that many of the things mentioned I’ve never really
explored or even know a damn thing about! Or, simply have left in the locked
closet of shit I don’t talk about because shame stands guard. I mean sex is taboo,
lies, well, they are in the closet and my flaws make me sad because, again,
shame stands guard. And I really would like to know what’s up. For me, that
question is more easily answered when I am engaged in a deep conversation with
someone. Where interruptions or demands of me don’t happen. I think I’ll rewrite this to better serve my
own twisted mind, so I can stop the self-berating & move closer to that
which I seek…..substance in conversation.
I hate gossip & narrow minded opinions.
I want to talk about the brain, death, aliens, sex, and intellect, philosophers in art, distant lands & fairytales from my youth. The reverence around food & do you run in the rain or love the smell of fresh cut grass? The neighbors & business clerks, creativity, failure & flaws.
I like people with empathy, yet pragmatic, who seek adventure & a challenge in the spoken word. I don’t want to know he said, she said what.
Ultimately, I like what Shel Silverstein has to say about all of this….
If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…..
If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!